1. Please introduce your role in the team.
  2. Please introduce how many team members there are and provide a detailed explanation of the team member who participated in another lending protocol on the Waves blockchain.
  3. Has that team member been in contact with Sasha, the founder of the Waves blockchain?
  4. The community's main concern about the EVAA project is that the lending protocol was at the core of the fraud on the Waves blockchain. The person who worked on that lending protocol is now involved in another project, which makes it difficult to trust. How do you plan to respond to this?
  5. How are lending parameters defined?
  6. How does the smart contract ensure that it will not be maliciously tampered with by developers?
  7. If a developer needs to modify parameters, will there be a time lock to limit these actions?

This interview is mainly aimed at providing a space for potential users to communicate with the project team and dispel user doubts about the product. In the world of cryptocurrency, the background of a product's developers will greatly influence user confidence in the product.

  1. 請自我介紹一下你在團隊中的身分
  2. 請介紹一下你的團隊成員有幾位,並詳細說明曾在 Waves 區塊鏈參與另外一項借貸協議的那名團隊成員。
  3. 那位團隊成員是否與 Waves 區塊鏈的創辦人—Sasha 有過聯繫?
  4. 社區成員對 EVAA 項目最主要的擔憂在於:當初 Waves 區塊鏈的詐騙核心就是那個借貸協議,而曾經在那個借貸協議工作的人,現在從事另外一個項目,這很難令人信任。你打算如何回應這一點?
  5. 借貸參數如何定義?
  6. 智能合約如何確保不會遭受開發人員惡意竄改?
  7. 開發人員若要修改參數是否會有時間鎖來限制這些行為呢?