1. Please introduce your role in the team.
  2. How many members are there in your team?
  3. According to the information on the website, your partner is Waves blockchain. Have you received any funding from Waves?
  4. Does your team have any collaboration projects with Sasha, the founder of Waves blockchain?
  5. How do smart contracts ensure that they are not maliciously tampered with by developers?
  6. Will there be a time lock to restrict developers from modifying parameters?

The purpose of this interview is to provide a space for potential users to communicate with the project team, dispel users' doubts about the product. In the world of cryptocurrency, the background of a product's development team will greatly affect users' confidence in the product.


  1. 請自我介紹一下你在團隊中的身分
  2. 請介紹一下你的團隊成員有幾位?
  3. 根據網站上的資訊,你們的合作夥伴是 Waves區塊鏈,你們有從Waves拿取資金嗎?
  4. 團隊是否與 Waves 區塊鏈的創辦人—Sasha 有任何合作項目?
  5. 智能合約如何確保不會遭受開發人員惡意竄改?
  6. 開發人員若要修改參數是否會有時間鎖來限制這些行為呢?
